UPDATE 0.1.4

UPDATE 0.1.4

- Finished the basic skeleton of the second map. Story triggers are ready.

- Added transition from the map with elevators, to the new future zone. 

- The shells disperse the darkness.

- Computer in the elevator area.

It's essentially a minor update putting a stop to the plot triggers in the second zone. From it, you can get to the future zone (The rooftops of the many stories and skyscrapers that house the various stores, which I'll start filling in after I'm done with all the plot stuff).

Unfortunately, the update is really small, most of the time I did not do the game, because of another apathy (However, the day before yesterday, drinking two cans of energy, and finished the update, but then eventually could not sleep and was very annoyed).

The most difficult thing, because of what tedious, it is actually the plot and various dialogues, although they are practically not in the game, to come up with at least something unrealistically difficult. However, I noticed such a tendency, if you first do quickly, then later this result can be improved and make something more or less digestible. But it is very difficult to start.

I think that's all for now, write your complaints, questions, suggestions. And the next update I will try to do the same on Sunday.


- Закончен основной скелет второй карты. Сюжетные триггеры готовы.

- Добавлен переход от карты с лифтами к новой будущей зоне. 

- Снаряды рассеивают тьму.

- Компьютер в зоне лифтов.

По сути это мелкое обновление, ставящая точку с сюжетными триггерами во второй зоне. Из неё можно добраться до будущей зоны (Крыши много этажек и небоскребов, на которых находятся различные магазины, которые я начну заполнять после того как закончу со всеми сюжетными вещами).

К сожалению, обновление действительно маленькое, большую часть времени я не занимался игрой, из-за очередной апатии (Впрочем позавчера выпив две банки энергетика, я и добил обновление, но потом в итоге не мог уснуть и был сильно раздраженным).

Самое сложное, из-за чего буксую, это собственно сам сюжет и различные диалоги, хоть их практически и нет в игре, придумать хоть что-то нереально сложно. Впрочем, заметил такую тенденцию, если сначала сделать по быстрому, то потом этот результат можно улучшить и сделать что-то более менее удобоваримое. Но начать оч сложно.

Думаю на этом пока все, пишите ваши претензии, вопросы, предложения. А следующее обновление постараюсь так же в воскресенье.


Samosbor2000v0.1.4.zip 111 MB
36 days ago

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i give up on this fuckin parkour...

Do you really like the game that much? I'd just probably abandon the game if I got to the impassable segment.

I recently improved the controls in 2d space, and added a workaround in 3d so I don't have to parkour. I'll post it tomorrow.

But lately I've been thinking of changing the vector of the game, to make it more linear, without 3d and puzzles.

i like the 2D pixel style, it gives me nostalgia.

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okay at this point i want the parkour just out, this is Not worth the headache even after taking a break. please just get rid of it or something, i wanna progress.

It will be possible to skip parkour for “PC components” in the future. But the update will either be on Sunday or next week. Because I decided to jam with some dude. The game isn't pornographic, but it's pretty driveable.


as long as i dont needa deal with the parkour soon and just progress through the game thats fine by me, just hate the combo of parkour, all gray hard to see colors of the parkour and the janky parkour mechanics


feels like its also in the way of getting my character those dog ears and tail

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is there any possible way we can get a walk through for this game, where to go and where stuff like clothes are? without any direction i am easily lost and unsure how to progress

I wrote a guide, you can download it from the home page. It says how to pass the first segment of the game. There is no guide for the second one yet, but there is not much content there, except for three new enemies, which are not so hard to find (not hard, I think so).

And all available costumes are at the first location, as a rule they are behind closed doors.

One of the suits is near the mutator “dash”, which is located in the tunnel under the horizontal elevator (Entrance in a huge hole, there aperture)

(3 edits) (+1)

can i get a hint where the one with the dog tail and ears are??? i really like that one, also some kind of option to just bypass the parkour? its hard for me to do the parkour, especially when the whole area gray and makes it hard for me to tell whats what

>can i get a hint where the one with the dog tail and ears are??? 
This is a secret costume that was not intended in the game, added it at the request of one person, so it does not quite work correctly. But if you want to get it, it is located on the right side after leaving the house. To climb up, you have to use the game's curved physics and fly up on a ball. It's not hard if you jump on the ball and then sit down while in the air.

> also some kind of option to just bypass the parkour?
No, you can't do that at the moment. I've recorded a little walkthrough guide, hope it helps guide

(2 edits) (+1)

well next update please add a way to just progress without the parkour, even with the video i am still struggling trying to tell what i am looking at and what to do so i just keep messing up jumps and falling also cant figure out how i get up there

(3 edits)

yep still cant do this parkour and its frustrating at this point, i hate it. really ruining this game for me, if someone can make some kind of cheat table that can help or something id really appreciate it.

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hey man thanks for the update! don't push yourself rest if you don't have the energy.


Thank you! I think I actually rest a lot, and if I take a day off, I can stop doing anything at all (Stick to my chair and YouTube). So I try to work on a tentative schedule of “1 week - 1 update”.  

I also think it's probably due to the fact that I continue to make the skeleton of the game, so that the game can be conditionally passed, but when I finish with the skeleton and start to do the muscles (Various additional features, for example, that the money could be spent somewhere, small mechanics, fill the world, or expand the map for various random events), then the content will go like a machine gun.

Anyway, I'll try to finish this main line by the end of the year.

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yeah I guess it's good to thing for you to have that schedule cuz it's the same for me once there's no big thing or big responsibility it all goes down drain and at that bottom of that drain is youtube sleeping all day and other vices so yeah hopefully you at least finish the story of the game so you have something to be proud of at the end of the year